Exotic Animals

Reptiles and Amphibians

We love our reptile and amphibian friends! Be it frogs, snakes, turtles, or lizards, we’re ready to help you take excellent care of your pet. We provide basic wellness care as well as diagnose and treat any illnesses or injuries. We can also provide you with expert advice on diet, habitat, heat and lighting needs, and more.

Reptile and amphibian species we see include:

  • Snakes (non-venomous)

  • Turtles and tortoises

  • Lizards

  • Iguanas

  • Geckos

  • Frogs and toads

  • Bearded dragons

  • Chameleons

The needs of every reptile and amphibian species can be very different (and very precise), so it’s important to work closely with your veterinarian to provide your pet with the proper care.

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